
Top 12 Must Have Gaming Laptop Accessories

Ever feel like your gaming laptop could be even better? You're not alone. With the right accessories, you can unlock its full potential and take your gaming experience to the next level.Maybe...

Top Paid Mac Games For 2023

Due to the release of macOS Ventura and Metal 3, gaming on your Mac is a new reality. As a result, the company has committed to introducing upgrades and improvements to ensure...

Do I Need To Remove Old Thermal Paste Before Applying New One?

Thermal paste, also known as thermal compound, helps improve the conduction of heat between the CPU/GPU and the cooler so that it can be dissipated and not cause overheating. However, when replacing a...

What Are The Minimum Gaming Laptop Requirements?

Knowing the minimum requirements for a gaming laptop can help you choose a decent gaming laptop that matches your needs. Picking one with the right specs helps you achieve the perfect balance...

Why Is My Gaming Laptop Fan So Loud? [6 REASONS]

When gaming laptop fans get so loud, it can become annoying and interfere with gaming or anything else you are doing.Gaming laptop fans get loud as a result of spinning extremely fast...

Gaming Laptop vs Gaming Desktop: Which Should I Buy?

When shopping for a gaming PC, gamers often find themselves asking; should I buy a gaming laptop or gaming desktop? Choosing between the two can be difficult, especially now that advancements in technology...



Gaming Laptop vs Gaming Desktop: Which Should I Buy?

When shopping for a gaming PC, gamers often find themselves asking; should I buy a gaming laptop or gaming desktop? Choosing between the two can be difficult, especially now that advancements in technology...

How To Extend Gaming Laptop Battery Life [12 WAYS]

Gaming laptops are notorious for having bad battery life due to their high-performance processors and dedicated graphics cards that are quite power-demanding. Your gaming laptop’s battery life can also get worse over time...

Gaming Mouse DPI Guide: What Settings Should I Use?

If you are into PC gaming, then it’s very likely you’ve heard the term DPI being thrown around with regard to gaming mice.In this guide, we are going to focus on understanding...

Why Do Gaming Laptops Have Bad Battery Life? [5 REASONS]

Gaming laptop battery life is usually a big concern for any gamer who needs the flexibility of gaming from anywhere without having their laptop constantly plugged into a power source. This is especially...

How Do I Keep My Laptop Cool While Gaming? [10 WAYS]

Learning how to keep your gaming laptop cool when gaming or performing other demanding tasks prevents overheating. Overheating causes all sorts of problems in gaming laptops including:Drops in gaming performance due to...

12 Reasons Why Gaming Laptops Are Expensive

So, you're looking at a powerful gaming laptop but its high price is making you think twice. You're not the only one. Gaming laptops are known for being pretty pricey, but it...

Gaming Mouse Buying Guide: What To Consider

Choosing the right gaming mouse can be difficult, especially now that there are so many different models available.Whether you are looking to play FPS, MOBA, or MMO games, the right gaming mouse...

10 Reasons Why Your Gaming Laptop Is Lagging

Lagging while gaming on a laptop is a major cause of frustration among PC gamers. In most cases, it's more noticeable when playing graphic-intensive games such as Crysis 3, Batman: Arkham Knight,...

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